Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Koh Kheng Tang
- Nanyang Polytechnic - School of Interactive and Digital Media
- Diploma in Digital Entertainment Technology
Technical Skills
- Visual C++
- OpenGL
- Game development
- Lua Scripting
- Artificial intelligence (Finite state machines FSM & Collaborative AI)
- Ogre game engine
- PS3 Programming
- Java for Android
- iOS for Iphone
- Photoshop
- Maya
- Audacity
- ViconIQ and Motion Builder
- Motion capturing
- Editing motion capture
Software knowledge
- Visual Studios C++
- Notepad++
- Adobe Photoshop
- Autodesk Maya
- Eclipse SDK
- Audacity & FMOD
- Autodesk Motion Builder & ViconIQ
- Microsoft Office
- Satisfactory English & Chinese
- Rugby
- User Interface
- Sound editing
- Artificial Intelligence (FSM & Collaborative)
Achievement & Completion
- Macromedia Dreamweaver4.0 Certificate of
Achievement (2002)
- Macromedia Dreamweaver MX & Flash MX
Certificate of Achievement (2003)
- A-Star Enrichment Services Certificate of
Participation (2005)
- Outward Bound Singapore Certificate of
Completion (2007)
- e-Business & Entrepreneurship Certificate of
Achievement (2007)
- National Education Gaming Championship Champion
Work History
- Part-Time Captain @ Sakura Pte Ltd (2009 - 2012)
I shall be the shadow :~: 1:29 AM